Troop 87 Photos
Troop 87 is active within the community and the Golden Spread Council. Service projects and camping are just a few of things you will see the Troop participate in monthly.

March 2024
Scouting for Food
Troop 87 placed flyers and bags throughout the Arden Road community. On March 23rd, 1591 pounds of food was collected to support the High Plains Food Bank. Troops and Cub Scout groups throughout the community came together to collect donations throughout Amarillo.
April 2024
Court of Honor
Each quarter Troop 87 recognizes scouts and their achievements. Scout ranks, merit badges and awards are celebrated.

February 2023
Welcoming New Members
During bridging ceremonies, cub scouts throughout the area choosing to continuing their scouting journey in a Troop. Troop 87 has welcomed 11 scouts this Spring. This is just the beginning and we are excited to see them grow and learn for years to come.
December 2023
Wreaths Across America
Troop 87 was honored to collect donations and sponsorships for wreaths as part of Wreaths Across America. Wreaths were placed on Veteran's graves in December at Llano Cemetery.